Our Perspective

Markets are a pure reflection
of the broader economy

We strongly believe that markets are a leading indicator for the economic data such as GDP growth, inflation, employment rates, corporate earnings, liquidity and monetary policy. We religiously follow the economic indicators data and current happenings on the local and global footings, to have a better understanding of the market reactions.

Diversification is the only
free lunch in investing

We aggressively advocate diversification, into various instruments which include Direct Stocks, Mutual Funds, Bonds- government and corporate, Alternate Investment Funds (AIFs), and others to serve our goal of building wealth over ups and downs of various sectors or segments of economy.

Fire Exits should be better
planned than Entrances

We allocate enough time and resources into planning your investment exit during periods of over-valuation, change in fundamentals or management practices, tax considerations, etc. Entry points are easy to identify, exits are not!

Intensive Research based

We put in enough hard work into researching about fundamental sheets, technical charts, promoter holding, rolling returns, risk ratios, and various other parameters of our investments, which help us abide to our idea with more conviction and longer-term sustainability of our investments.

Investment is the discipline
of relative selection

The process of intelligently building a portfolio consists of buying the best investments, making room for them by selling lesser ones, and staying clear of the worst. Our goal isn't only to find good assets but also good buys.

A part of all you earn
is yours to spend

We love curating your investment in ways that help you with frequent cashflows when planned & security of capital in the interim. Simultaneously we also plan portfolios in a way that leverages the ‘Invested time factor’ to help us unleash the power of compounding in the longer run to grow our capital enormously.